Below is an sample for listing all files under a ftp path.
At first I think of using for loop to list folder, but I had to decide how much loop to get into.
After reading an article on mystackoverflow, someone throw an idea to use recursion and it helps shrinking code into a couple line! <3
file = open("log.txt",'w')
def recurlist(path):
for fileattr in CME_sftp.listdir_attr(path):
if stat.S_ISDIR(fileattr.st_mode): #Loop if it is a path, print the filename instead
print path + "/" + fileattr.filename
try: #This prevent from authentication access
recurlist(path + "/" + fileattr.filename)
except: #I dont know if I have to do this but just in case
file.write(path + "/" + fileattr.filename + '\n')
At first I think of using for loop to list folder, but I had to decide how much loop to get into.
After reading an article on mystackoverflow, someone throw an idea to use recursion and it helps shrinking code into a couple line! <3
file = open("log.txt",'w')
def recurlist(path):
for fileattr in CME_sftp.listdir_attr(path):
if stat.S_ISDIR(fileattr.st_mode): #Loop if it is a path, print the filename instead
print path + "/" + fileattr.filename
try: #This prevent from authentication access
recurlist(path + "/" + fileattr.filename)
except: #I dont know if I have to do this but just in case
file.write(path + "/" + fileattr.filename + '\n')
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